Sunday, October 26, 2008

Top of artistic home design

Top of artistic home design3
Top of artistic home design4
Top of artistic home design5

Top of artistic home design1
Top of artistic home design2

In the year 2000, we took a quantum leap forward, making the decision to be a pioneer builder in the US Department of Energy's Building America® program, adhering to the strictest standards ever set for home health, safety, comfort, durability, energy efficiency and environmental consciousness. It was then that the thought occurred: WHAT IF? What if we could offer these leading edge construction techniques to the luxury home buyer? And as word of these revolutionary techniques spread, we began receiving calls and personal inquiries from friends and interested luxury consumers across the city. That's how Artistic Homes' Rembrandt Series was born.

1 comment:

Angelycon said...

wow, I LOVE the architecture in that building! Especially the big windows :) The interior design looks sophisticated, but a little too, hmm, how would I describe it.. blank, for my style. But the house looks great!