Friday, June 13, 2008

Art contest Ceresit - Green home

Art contest Ceresit - Green home

Poster for Art contest Ceresit for the next year
inspired by Gizo (:

Art contest Ceresit - Green home, originally uploaded by kpucu.

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Exodus 16:4 - VerseVisions Art

Exodus 16:4 - VerseVisions Art

Then the LORD said to Moses, “Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you. And the people shall go out and gather a certain quota every day, that I may test them, whether they will walk in My law or not. Exodus 16:4

Original and inspiring large fine-art prints and canvases by abstract, contemporary Christian artist Mark Lawrence of Alpharetta, Georgia. Images Copyright © 2006, 2007 by Mark Lawrence. All Rights Reserved.

VerseVisions®, contemporary fine art with value, purpose - and a message!

Each VerseVisions work has been inspired and is named by a special verse of scripture. It is asked that God will use a specific VerseVisions work to first catch the eyes, and then speak to the heart with His powerful and personal Word for each viewer.

Have you been touched by a VerseVisions artwork today? I hope that my work will bring God’s abundant joy, blessings and wisdom to you, and to all who live where it has been sent and shines.

VerseVisions are now available as fine art posters, framed prints or large format canvases.

Browse the new VerseVisions Gallery and bring home, or share a VerseVisions® experience with someone you love!

How well do you know God? Take a quick quiz and find out...

Exodus 16:4 - VerseVisions Art, originally uploaded by Marketseq.

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art nouveau winged fairy

art nouveau winged fairy

Winged fairy-tale in art nouveau, Barcelona

art nouveau winged fairy, originally uploaded by e³°°°.

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Royal Bank Toronto Golden Art

Royal Bank Toronto Golden Art

Royal Bank Toronto Golden Art, originally uploaded by swisscan.

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Dessert 1/4

Dessert 1/4

Our good neighbors bought 4 pieces of pretty pastries to share with us, and we took the opportunity to shoot a quick (umm... maybe not that quick) round before digging in. Here's the first out of four shots of them.

See the other cakes here:

Dessert 1/4, originally uploaded by hermanau.

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Afro-Brazilian Art - II

Afro-Brazilian Art - II

Today was the 9th. Batizado (graduation ceremony) of Capoeira Beija-Flor. Our Grupo Cultural Beija-Flor opened the event at 09:00am with their exuberant Afro-Brazilian dance, Maculelê, to the powerful rhythmic sounds of authentic African drums.

The Afro-Brazilian art forms, Maculelê and Capoeira, are closely connected.

Maculelê is a stick-dance that originated in the sugar cane fields of Brazil during slavery and brings together the traditions of different African tribes with those of Brazilian Indians. As a symbol of their work on the sugar cane plantations, the dancers carry sticks, and sometimes machetes. They simulate combat by hitting the sticks together to the rhythm of the atabaque (a percussion instrument).

Capoeira is a beautiful combination of dance, martial arts and acrobatics, second only to soccer in the preference of Brazilians as a national sport. Both art forms were created by Africans enslaved in Brazil in the XVII century, and developed through the ages as part of the Afro-Brazilian struggle for freedom.

The melodies, rhythms and songs of Maculelê and Capoeira carry the teachings of our ancestors and reflect the invincible spirit and imagination of the Brazilian slaves. These extremely dynamic art forms contribute towards some of the most traditional cultural practices in Brazil.

Please don't forget to visit Tatiana Cardeal's great photos from this event.

Afro-Brazilian Art - II, originally uploaded by carf.

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Art Smoke 2.0a

Art Smoke 2.0a

Finally got my file server hooked up and now I settled down in my new home, I can get back to "flickr'ing" again. :)

I took this one as part of a series of inscent abstract smoke art a while ago shortly before my move. I refined the technique a little bit by restricting the light to a "flat" beam sweeping across from the side instead of having a bare flash lighting up unwanted parts. This results in much sharper images due to the better controlled focus, and also less dust particles caught. This makes the retouching job so much easier. Again, this is far from perfect, and I'm still trying to figure out how to improve upon it.

More on this on my blog later.

Strobist: one SB600 on camera right fired remotely with ebay triggers, DIY "barn doors" alike flaps attached to flash.

Art Smoke 2.0a, originally uploaded by hermanau.

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California Roll - Ray Special

California Roll - Ray Special

California Roll with extra advocado thinly sliced on top. It actually tastes really good and feels silky smooth in my mouth although I've never been a big fan of advocado.

California Roll - Ray Special, originally uploaded by hermanau.

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Afro-Brazilian Art - III

Afro-Brazilian Art - III

Today was the 9th. Batizado (graduation ceremony) of Capoeira Beija-Flor. Our Grupo Cultural Beija-Flor opened the event at 09:00am with their exuberant Afro-Brazilian dance, Maculelê, to the powerful rhythmic sounds of authentic African drums.

The Afro-Brazilian art forms, Maculelê and Capoeira, are closely connected.

Maculelê is a stick-dance that originated in the sugar cane fields of Brazil during slavery and brings together the traditions of different African tribes with those of Brazilian Indians. As a symbol of their work on the sugar cane plantations, the dancers carry sticks, and sometimes machetes. They simulate combat by hitting the sticks together to the rhythm of the atabaque (a percussion instrument).

Capoeira is a beautiful combination of dance, martial arts and acrobatics, second only to soccer in the preference of Brazilians as a national sport. Both art forms were created by Africans enslaved in Brazil in the XVII century, and developed through the ages as part of the Afro-Brazilian struggle for freedom.

The melodies, rhythms and songs of Maculelê and Capoeira carry the teachings of our ancestors and reflect the invincible spirit and imagination of the Brazilian slaves. These extremely dynamic art forms contribute towards some of the most traditional cultural practices in Brazil.

Please don't forget to visit Tatiana Cardeal's great photos from this event.

Afro-Brazilian Art - III, originally uploaded by carf.

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Away from Flickr!

Away from Flickr!

Should have posted this a while ago but I don't even have a picture to post... I'm busy organizing things in our new home, and I'll be busy for a little while. I'll be back in maybe a couple weeks from now, or until I find a spot where I can shoot again once I settle down. Happy Holidays!

Away from Flickr!, originally uploaded by hermanau.

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Milwaukee Art Museum Splendor

Milwaukee Art Museum Splendor

A symmetric perspective of the impressive ceiling of the Milwaukee Art Museum

Milwaukee Art Museum Splendor, originally uploaded by WisDoc.

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The waterfall Seljalandsfoss - In south Iceland - 'CAN YOU SEE THE PEOPLE !' - 'THE ART OF NATURE' - Best viewed large !

The waterfall Seljalandsfoss - In south Iceland  -  'CAN YOU SEE THE PEOPLE !' -  'THE ART OF NATURE'  - Best viewed large !

The waterfall Seljalandsfoss - In south Iceland - 'CAN YOU SEE THE PEOPLE !' - 'THE ART OF NATURE'
- Best viewed large !
South Iceland

The waterfall Seljalandsfoss - In south Iceland - 'CAN YOU SEE THE PEOPLE !' - 'THE ART OF NATURE' - Best viewed large !, originally uploaded by Mundilfari*.

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Art Smoke 2.0a

Art Smoke 2.0a

Finally got my file server hooked up and now I settled down in my new home, I can get back to "flickr'ing" again. :)

I took this one as part of a series of inscent abstract smoke art a while ago shortly before my move. I refined the technique a little bit by restricting the light to a "flat" beam sweeping across from the side instead of having a bare flash lighting up unwanted parts. This results in much sharper images due to the better controlled focus, and also less dust particles caught. This makes the retouching job so much easier. Again, this is far from perfect, and I'm still trying to figure out how to improve upon it.

More on this on my blog later.

Strobist: one SB600 on camera right fired remotely with ebay triggers, DIY "barn doors" alike flaps attached to flash.

Art Smoke 2.0a, originally uploaded by hermanau.

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Afro-Brazilian Art - IV

Afro-Brazilian Art - IV

Our young and talented percussionist, 16-year old Edimilson da Silva Benedito of the Banda Beija-Flor, knows how to preserve the true spirit of African drumming with incredible flexibility and high-speed.

Today was the 9th. Batizado (graduation ceremony) of Capoeira Beija-Flor. Our Grupo Cultural Beija-Flor opened the event at 09:00am with their exuberant Afro-Brazilian dance, Maculelê, to the powerful rhythmic sounds of authentic African drums.

The Afro-Brazilian art forms, Maculelê and Capoeira, are closely connected.

Maculelê is a stick-dance that originated in the sugar cane fields of Brazil during slavery and brings together the traditions of different African tribes with those of Brazilian Indians. As a symbol of their work on the sugar cane plantations, the dancers carry sticks, and sometimes machetes. They simulate combat by hitting the sticks together to the rhythm of the atabaque (a percussion instrument).

Capoeira is a beautiful combination of dance, martial arts and acrobatics, second only to soccer in the preference of Brazilians as a national sport. Both art forms were created by Africans enslaved in Brazil in the XVII century, and developed through the ages as part of the Afro-Brazilian struggle for freedom.

The melodies, rhythms and songs of Maculelê and Capoeira carry the teachings of our ancestors and reflect the invincible spirit and imagination of the Brazilian slaves. These extremely dynamic art forms contribute towards some of the most traditional cultural practices in Brazil.

Please don't forget to visit Tatiana Cardeal's great photos from this event.

Afro-Brazilian Art - IV, originally uploaded by carf.

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Latte Art

Latte Art

** Move mouse over each photo to see links to the original.

Full credits to the following photographers:

1. ALL SIZES composer_8x Coffee+Art+3
2. ALL SIZES daisydingletoy A Passion for Coffee
3. ALL SIZES dogmilque Reversi Ring-Around-The-Rosi
4. ALL SIZES dubh Mojo, State Building
5. ALL SIZES mountainhiker Heart-Shaped Matcha Latte
6. ALL SIZES eatbrian magic rosetta
7. ALL SIZES Espresso Hobbyist IMG_3035
8. ALL SIZES Live Solutions Events Live Solutions Events - Nederlands Kampioenschap Latte Art 2005 (Rosetta)
9. ALL SIZES PoYang_博仰 Artigiano Cafe

* Latte art - Wikipedia
* Matcha - Wikipedia

Videos on YouTube:
* (02:10) A day in the life of a barista
* (03:06) Latte Art
* (00:44) Latte Art Pour on a GS/3

* The intention of mosaic is to be an index, not a photo.
* To see the goodies, you really must go to the original.
* ALL SIZES is for the viewing pleasure.

Created with Mosaic Maker.
2007-03-22: 1st Cut

拉花 Latte Art, originally uploaded by Eat-My-Heart-Out 你吃,我看.

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(0322) Parc de les Arts Contemporànies

(0322) Parc de les Arts Contemporànies

♫♪♫ Adagio- Secret Garden ♫♪♫

Situat a Cassà de la Selva, Catalunya, el Parc de les Arts Contemporànies podran gaudir, alhora, d'una forma relaxada i lúdica, de dos aspectes complementaris, natura i escultura. D'una banda, els sorprendrà un conjunt significatiu d'obres de reconeguts artistes contemporanis. Aquí s'hi troben alguns dels grans noms de la plàstica actual, de Catalunya i de fora. A més, com un fet excepcional, els escultors han pogut escollir la ubicació i instal.lació de la seva obra que, d'aquesta manera, estableix un diàleg molt suggerent amb el seu entorn.
Català - Spanish - English

(0322) Parc de les Arts Contemporànies, originally uploaded by Joanot.

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Luke 23:46 - VerseVisions Art

Luke 23:46 - VerseVisions Art

Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last. Luke 23:46

Original and inspiring large fine-art prints and canvases by abstract, contemporary artist Mark Lawrence.

Copyright © 2006, 2007 by Mark Lawrence. All Rights Reserved.

VerseVisions®, contemporary fine art with value, purpose - and a message!

Each VerseVisions work has been inspired and is named by a special verse of scripture. It is asked that God will use a specific VerseVisions work to first catch the eyes, and then speak to the heart with His powerful and personal Word for each viewer.

Have you been touched by a VerseVisions artwork today? I hope that my work will bring God’s abundant joy, blessings and wisdom to you, and to all who live where it has been sent and shines.

VerseVisions are now available as fine art posters, framed prints or large format canvases.

Browse the new VerseVisions Gallery and bring home, or share a VerseVisions® experience with someone you love!

How well do you know God? Take a quick quiz and find out...

Luke 23:46 - VerseVisions Art, originally uploaded by Marketseq.

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PARADIGM SHIFT - They changed our Perception and the Arts forever...

PARADIGM SHIFT - They changed our Perception and the Arts forever...

Digitalism is the Turning Point in the Development of Arts. There are kompletely new, unexplored Options of Expression and Kommunikation now... Such unbelieveable Possibilities and untrod Ways - we kan walk again, we kan invent and quest again like the Diskoverers of the older Days!
I always prefer physikal Things: a good Meal, relaxing Sleep, hard Work, a friendly Hug or a tender Touch of my Princess... yet as a playing Kid I´m open for now and the Tools of today... As always, we decide how we use the Machines we´ve kreated...

Don´t waste your Life infront of Skreens... ;O)

[This is no Assembly/Montage (of kourse), the only Rework is the selektive Kutout of the miniature Billiard Ball to have a Fokus...
I´ve made the first Pikture of the Skreen, put it on my Desktop, made the next Pikture and so on... altogether you see 13 Skreens, plus your own. ..]

PARADIGM SHIFT - They changed our Perception and the Arts forever..., originally uploaded by _ Krystian PHOTOSynthesis (wild-thriving) _.

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Flickr Art Directors Club

Flickr Art Directors Club

Join the club:
Flickr Art Directors Club

photography & graphic design
by Orgut Cayli

Flickr Art Directors Club, originally uploaded by orgutcayli.

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Rock art...

Rock art...

Sandra (herzensart) commented that one of my photos of rocks piled on top of each other was similar to Andy Goldsworthy's art...I wish! I decided to take inspiration from a rock spiral he made and do one of my own with basalt gathered on the beach. His stones are cut through...not something I'm equipped to do, so I'm going to scratch each stone to achieve a similar look. I started to scratch and then ended up moving stones until I got the desired effect, so that part of the project is pending. I've placed a heart-shaped stone in the center as a tribute to his incredible art.

Rock art..., originally uploaded by Green Wellies.

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Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències ( City of Arts and Sciences )

Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències ( City of Arts and Sciences )

In the photo: L’Hemisfèric & El Palau de les Arts - Valencia

If you like Architecture pictures... I invite you to visit my Architecture set

La Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències ( City of Arts and Sciences ) is an ensemble of five areas designed by valencian architect Santiago Calatrava and builded in Valencia, Spain. And is an impressive example of modern architecture.

. El Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía - Opera house and performing arts centre.
. L'Hemisfèric - Imax cinema and planetarium.
. L'Umbracle - Walkway / Garden.
. El Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe - Science museum.
. L'Oceanogràfic - Open-air oceanographic park.

Santiago Calatrava was born in Valencia, Spain in 1951. He graduated from the Institute of Architecture in Valencia and from the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. Calatrava opened his own architecture and engineering office in Zurich.

As both an architect and an engineer, Calatrava easily identifies with both disciplines. He often creates innovative works that depend on a firm grasp of both the creative and structural aspects of design. His skills as an engineer allow him to create sculptural surfaces and unusual spaces.

He was selected to design a new train and subway station at the World Trade Center site in New York. Calling Calatrava's structures ‘open and organic’, The New York Times said that the new terminal will evoke the kind of uplifting spirituality that is needed on Ground Zero.

Some of Santiago Calatrava best works: Milwaukee Art Museum (USA), Athens Olympic Sports Complex (Greece), Alamillo bridge (Sevilla, Spain), Turning Torso (Sweden), Calatrava tower & Bac de Roda bridge (Barcelona).

Interesting links about Santiago Calatrava, his work, and the City of Arts and Sciencies:

Santiago Calatrava official site
Interesting site devoted to Calatrava work
Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències official site

Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències ( City of Arts and Sciences ), originally uploaded by 45street.

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Psalm 138:8, Painting with Light Art*

Psalm 138:8, Painting with Light Art*

The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever.
Psalm 138:8

The God of all time and space knows you by name and has a special purpose just for you. He personally created you, He has plans for you, and His love for you will endure forever.

These truths are recorded in the 138th Psalm and are both an assurance and an encouragement for all believers as we look forward to the return of our Lord and Shepherd, Jesus Christ.

* This painting has been uniquely rendered with a time-intensive Painting with Light method that uses only the text from the selected Bible verse above as the paintbrush. The technique takes more than 40 hours to render as the verse is repeatedly “brushed” millions of times. The final result is a never-before possible work of modern art, using only God’s word wondrously repeated in a vivid palette of colors.

The tiny key-strokes of color are too small to be seen when viewing from a distance; but resonates a vibrant spiritual message of purpose, hope and joy from our Heavenly Father for those whom He has given a “heart to perceive, and eyes to see”.

The creative method is much like Seurat’s pointillism technique that creates beautiful large paintings using only small dabs of color. This modern variation unites points of color with powerful and purposeful scripture from the Word of God; a true marriage of color and everlasting light.

It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit.
It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.
Isaiah 55:11 NLT

VerseVisions® Inspirational Art with a Promise!

Purchase an affordable fine art print of this unique art for you home or as a treasured gift at the VerseVisions Gallery

Original and inspiring large fine-art prints and canvases by abstract, contemporary Christian artist Mark Lawrence of Alpharetta, Georgia

Mark Lawrence, Psalm 138:8 VerseVisions®, 2007. Digital mixed media on canvas, 36 x 36 inches. Copyright © 2007 by Mark Lawrence. All Rights Reserved.

Curious about the technique of Painting with Light ? Here's a link to a couple of snapshots to show you how the pictures are rendered over time- Painting with Light

How well do you know God? Take a quick quiz and find out...

Psalm 138:8, Painting with Light Art*, originally uploaded by Marketseq.

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Romans 12:1, Painting with Light Art *

Romans 12:1, Painting with Light Art *

Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. Romans 12-1

Have you ever felt unloved, abandoned and without hope? I’ve found that my most personal and cherished times with the Lord Jesus are those darkest of days when I have no where else to turn. It is in those times of deep pain and despair when I discover my need to surrender all, and offer to Him the sacrifice of my praise.

He has promised to never leave me, even though he knows all about me and the mess that I’ve made of things. As I look back and remember all that He has done for me, I am reassured that He still loves me as His child.

* This painting has been uniquely rendered with a time-intensive method that uses only the text from the selected Bible verse above as the paintbrush. The Painting with Light technique takes more than 40 hours to render as the verse is repeatedly “brushed” millions of times. The final result is a never-before possible work of modern art, using only God’s word wondrously repeated in a vivid palette of colors.

The tiny key-strokes of color are too small to be seen when viewing from a distance; but resonates a vibrant spiritual message of purpose, hope and joy from our Heavenly Father for those whom He has given a “heart to perceive, and eyes to see”.

The creative method is much like Seurat’s pointillism technique that creates beautiful large paintings using only small dabs of color. This modern variation unites points of color with powerful and purposeful scripture from the Word of God; a true marriage of color and everlasting light.

It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit.
It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.
Isaiah 55:11 NLT

VerseVisions® Inspirational Art with a Promise!

Original and inspiring large fine-art prints and canvases by abstract, contemporary Christian artist Mark Lawrence of Alpharetta, Georgia

Mark Lawrence, Romans 12:1 VerseVisions®, 2007. Digital mixed media on canvas, 36 x 36 inches. Copyright © 2007 by Mark Lawrence. All Rights Reserved.

Purchase an affordable fine art print of this unique art for you home or as a treasured gift at the VerseVisions Gallery

Curious about the technique of Painting with Light ? Here's a link to a couple of snapshots to show you how the pictures are rendered over time- Painting with Light

How well do you know God? Take a quick quiz and find out...

Romans 12:1, Painting with Light Art *, originally uploaded by Marketseq.

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Minneapolis Institute of Arts

Minneapolis Institute of Arts

No Photoshop - just colored lights illuminating the museum entrance.

From Wikepedia:

The Institute of Arts features an encyclopedic collection of approximately 100,000 objects spanning 5,000 years of world history. Its collection includes paintings, photographs, prints & drawings, textiles, architecture, and decorative arts. Thee are collections of African art and art from Oceania and the Americas, and an especially strong collection of Asian art, called "one of the finest and most comprehensive Asian art collections in the country". The Asian collection includes Chinese architecture, jades, bronzes, and ceramics.

Minneapolis Institute of Arts, originally uploaded by Jason's Travel Photography.

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(0495) La Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències (València) País Valencià

(0495) La Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències (València) País Valencià

View On Black

La Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències (CAC) és un complex arquitectònic, cultural i d'entreteninement de la ciutat de València.
El complex es va construir a la dècada dels 90 del segle XX i els primers anys del segle XXI. L'últim gran component del complex, el Palau de les Arts, s'inaugurà el 9 d'octubre de 2005. El complex està situat al final del vell llit del riu Túria, llit que es va convertir en jardí en els 80, anys després del desviament del riu per la Gran Riuada de València.
L'arquitecte director de tot el complex ha estat Santiago Calatrava, que es característic per la seua arquitectura curvilínea i de l'ús del ciment blanc.
La CAC és, hui en dia, el major reclam turístic de Ciutat de València, per damunt d'altres atractius, fins i tot el seu centre històric. L'increment de turistes ha estat prou notable des que es van anar finalitzant les obres.
( A la foto, El Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía)
Batetjat com a Reina Sofia, és l'edifici més destacable en volumetria i estructura arquitectònica. S'inaugurà en la Diada Nacional del País Valencià del 2005, i es farà servir principalment per a grans esdeveniments de música, òpera, dansa, i teatre.

Té una longitud de 163 m. i una amplada de 87 m., ocupant una àrea de 37.000 m2. Disposa de quatre espais principals:

* Sala principal: Amb una capacitat de 1.700 places distribuïdes entre el pati i quatre nivells de palcs, pensat fonamentalment per a representacions d'òpera.

* Aula Magistral : Amb capacitat per a 400 persones.

* Amfiteatre: Amb capacitat per a 1.500 persones.

* Teatre de Càmera, Sala d'exposicions: Edifici adjacent i independent del Palau amb una capacitat per a 400 persones.

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(0495) La Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències (València) País Valencià, originally uploaded by Joanot.

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