Thursday, August 21, 2008

3D Game Textures: Create Professional Game Art Using Photoshop

3D Game Textures: Create Professional Game Art Using Photoshop
The cover is slightly misleading, in that it implies you can go from a sketch to finished art, which the book isn't about. There is a disclaimer on page XIII about that. This book isn't a complete how to create 3D art, many things lighting, render / game engine, post effects, control the final image and this book doesn't cover any of those subjects.

On the other hand he does 'demystify' the process of creating texures by showing how complex textures can be built up by combining photos, Epaint & procedurals. Even an advanced artist should be able to pick up some tips if they approch the book with an open mind
I'm in the process of reviewing 2D texture creation books for 3D programs, specifically Second Life's platform, and this book is by far the best I've found out there so far.

The tutorials concentrate on developing textures from scratch, along a detailed workflow like you would set up on a typical project, and the final quality of the textures created is top notch professional grade.

While other books seem to lack in quality, concentrate too much on one specific app for the final textures, or throw in way too much concept and not enough practicality, this book strikes a perfect balance between concept and execution. The book is intelligent without being overabsorbed, and is full of fantastic information. A great read and an invaluable reference book alike. Pick this one up!

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